Saturday, June 30, 2007

The First Post: Introductions Are Not Necessary

To Blog or not to Blog... that is the question that occupied my mind in the days leading up to this beginning. The choice I came to is rather obvious...

Once upon a time I pondered a career in journalism. I have dabbled at an asssortment of attempts to break into the writing field in one level or another. Even considered the "vanity publishing" route but balked at paying for the printing, it seemed to me that if I was not getting paid to write, at least I should not be getting charged to put my words before the people.

But with blogging I can at least share my opinions on certain things. It's not the same as writing the great American novel or breaking a Pulitzer Prize winning story but it's a chance to share from my heart about things that I know and tastes that I have and see how I actually resonate with the American public and the potential audience of the world wide web.

So I have chosen two topics that tend to blur for me; Entertainment & Baseball. Baseball to me is still America's game and the National Passtime. Entertainment; be it movies, television, music... are the nations and even the worlds other passtimes.

And I'm here to share my thoughts and opinions on all that.

War & Peace it may not be, but hey... at least I'm writing. :D

1 comment:

EddyG said...

Ok, you are writing... Well, it's about dang time that you put something out there for folks to see and respond to! (Just my humble opinion of course.) I look forward to reading future writings... and perhaps responding more!!